December 2023
With your help we will ensure that over 202 children and 170 adults will feel the magic of the Christmas season. This year we are also supporting senior citizens who we have assisted during the year.
This will only be possible with the support of donors like yourself and our generous, caring community.
We are aware that finances are tight for many, but for the families and seniors we support, they will struggle to even pay for the basics like meat, dairy, toiletries, petrol, and rent. Christmas feels more like a pressure and a stress than a celebration. Together we can change this by bringing Christmas blessings to their home.

“Taking refuge does not mean hiding from life. It means finding a place of strength, the capacity to live the life
we have been given with greater courage and sometimes even with gratitude.”
from My Grandfathers Blessings. Rachel
Remen, M.D.
Mother of two boys took refuge in our two-bedroom apartment for 10 months.
"I would like to thank everyone at De Paul House for all your amazing support for me and my children. Not only have you given us support, but you have also given us hope, that in bad times there is good times ahead. The smiling faces and staff that offer a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen, every time you need it, is amazing. Not once had I felt that I couldn't turn to De Paul House for support."
Diana* has enjoyed creating a fun, child friendly space in her new home!
"I am so happy! My kids and I are healthy. We have a warm, beautiful and a good quality-built home, we are safe, my kids are safe. Our life is so good right now. I am so grateful. Thank you so much to our Social Worker and De Paul House."
*Name has been changed.

So many supporters to thank!
De Paul House has many ambassadors who promote our work but more importantly raise awareness of how others can help the families we work with. Volunteers reliably turn up every week to sort clothing, household items, linen, and food. They provide caring and fun times for the preschoolers in our Early Childhood Centre. Businesses, individuals, school students, families, schools, and churches all help with fundraising and donations.
In November, we honoured six staff who collectively have served De Paul House for over 103 years.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Please consider a gift to De Paul House in your will. A bequest will make a significant contribution to the success of De Paul House, to make lasting change for New Zealand families and seniors. To learn more, please contact Jan on
"... You can't really undo what happens during childhood. So, the experience of intense
or regular poverty is long-lasting." Dr
Richie Poulton - Dunedin Longitudinal Study
Meri Kirihimete ⭐ Merry Christmas ⭐
Kilisimasi Fiefia ⭐ Manuia le Kerisimasi ⭐
On behalf of our staff, Board, and the many whānau we support, we most sincerely acknowledge the huge impact your donations make to the lives of New Zealand families.
We extend our warmest wishes for a wonderful, joyful Christmas and New Year.

Jan Rutledge, QSM
General Manager