“You didn’t limit your support to just our housing and children’s needs, but you extended your support beyond that. There’s no words enough to express how we feel, the love we received and the willingness to help our family.”

– Ex resident Mum, Dad and four children.

We want you to see the impact of your giving. The personal quotes and stories are the connection between your dollars donated and the positive outcomes they achieve.

They are taken from our recent independent survey of past resident families. 

Social work support

"I appreciate that they didn’t judge my past, they took me as a whole person."

"They made me feel like I was worth caring for. I’ve been in a lot of systems, but I’ve never been somewhere like this." 

"De Paul House changed my life and are awesome."


"De Paul House have supported me in every way. They didn’t just give me a house; they helped me make a home."

"I so value the service and ongoing contact."

"De Paul House helped with furniture, bedding and kitchenware. When we unpacked, they had also put in toys for my kids."

Early childhood Centre

"My daughter learnt so much, every time she came back home, she knew a new word. She learnt songs too."

"My child learnt to socialize well with other kids and gained intercultural skills."

"They really helped my toddler to feel safe, loved and welcomed. Now she wants to go every morning."

"The teachers and volunteers are so kind and caring, I feel safe to leave my baby." 

Community learning Centre

"I learnt to navigate rentals and how to understand my responsibilities. It helped me understand how to keep a home for longer."

"The skills I learnt are helping me in job hunting now."

"Budgeting class was so useful, with practical ideas to save money and spend wisely."

Images of De Paul House, Early childhood Centre

Stories Of Transformation

Bill* went from 20 years stability to homelessness. *Name changed

Bill had the full-time care of his two sons. He was working part time and living in a small rural town. Then everything changed when the landlord decided to sell the rental. Despite applying for rentals, Bill could not find a home. In desperation, he took a friend's offer to move and share a house in South Auckland. This meant uplifting the boys from their community, wider whānau, and school. 

After six months of insecure and temporary housing, Bill was offered a three-bedroom unit at De Paul House. Bill admitted to his Social Worker that he was stressed and felt a failure for not providing stability for his sons. Bill and his sons moved in excited to each have their own bedroom. 

Bill attended the Community learning Centre Ready to Rent programme, addressed debt through the budget service and discussed options for finding work. The boys again started a new high school. We equipped them with a chrome book to help the boys with online learning.

It took six months before an offer of a social housing unit in North Auckland was received. This involved many hours of advocacy and support from the social work team. This meant another change of school for the boys. 

De Paul House assisted with furniture, practical kitchen ware and appliances to equip the house. At a recent follow-up call, Bill was relaxed and confident. He had started a fitness course that will lead to becoming a qualified personal trainer.

My boys asked me “Is this the last move Dad? We like our new school. Can we stay?” I am so proud of them.”

The journey back to stable housing is often a long one and your donation allows us to offer the education and support to make the family stronger and more independent.

$50 provides Kitchen pack –
Jug, toaster, kitchen essentials

$100 provides Basic food
parcel for family of two. 

$500 provides 15 hours
of Learning Centre class