"I alone cannot change the world. But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." Mother Teresa

Homelessness is complex, each person having a different journey.

Homelessness impacts people from all walks of life and is often the end point to a series of life events. The main contributing factors being poverty, debt, health challenges affecting employment and family relationship breakdowns.  

Sadly, we have seen a huge increase in families impacted by family harm. These families often must leave their home urgently, taking only a few personal items. De Paul House provides a new temporary home for these families where they are provided a warm, safe environment to commence their healing process. We can support their practical needs such as clothing, shoes, warm bedding, food. 

Children back at school
De Paul House supports parents to reengage their children into school, after months of transience and homelessness disrupting routines. The early childhood centre is a wonderful safe and fun learning environment for the preschoolers. 

"We are overwhelmed by the kindness and care shown by the staff. I can’t wait to get my kids into a sleeping routine”. 

Food Poverty  
We have had a huge increase in requests for food parcels and today our food bank shelves are looking bare. In 2020 we gave out 215 parcels, compared to 446 in 2022. 

As we head to the elections in October, we hope that all political parties will take a serious look at the most pressing issues. Our health system is under pressure and many of the health issues link straight back to poor housing. 

Senior Citizens in need
We are seeing an increase in referrals from Age Concern and hospital social workers, of older people who are no longer able to sustain a private rental and are facing a decline in health and mobility. Loneliness and isolation contribute to a decline in mental health with many of our senior clients needing support to navigate the social housing system. 

Generous Landlord – Creating life changing ripples 

A generous benefactor made the decision to offer their family home, rent free, to De Paul House. The first family to benefit from this opportunity, saved and cleared debt and then built up a deposit for a home. This family achieved home ownership, which was only possible because of the selflessness of the landlord and the hard work of this working family. 

We asked the owners to comment on why they chose to do this: 

“Collaborating with De Paul House was a way of trying to provide a level of security to a family by providing access to a family home. This relied on the help of our family members to prepare the home and the skills of the wonderful staff at De Paul House to support and guide the family. “If you have the opportunity to do the same, it is a great way to help provide a sense of security for a family and help strengthen your community.” 

A gift in your Will 

De Paul House has earned a reputation for doing more than provide transitional housing. The work of the social workers, access to our free Community Learning Centre and Early Childhood Centre are bringing change and breaking the cycle of family poverty.

Please consider a gift to De Paul House in your will. Be a part of effecting lasting change for New Zealand families. Gifts left in wills will make a huge contribution to the work of De Paul House, providing the vital funds we need to continue our work. If you would like to know more, please contact Jan on admin@depaulhouse.org.nz

Your donations make a difference
Together we can make New Zealand a more equitable and fair society for the families and senior citizens we work with. Will you help cause a ripple that will have lasting benefits for those we support.